YESS! Newsletter February 2017

by Sue Hawkes

Building Tomorrow’s Leaders

With all that is currently going on in our world, I’ve been thinking about how the next generation will lead. What will they do in the business realm? The larger social realm? It’s up to us to be and build the leaders for our collective future. We must expose those we lead (including family, work and community) to the experiences that will help them become the type of inclusive leaders who will shape the future to create maximum results for everyone. In order to truly leave a leadership legacy, I believe you must embrace the philosophy that you’re not a leader until you produce a leader who can produce a leader. To expand your leadership legacy and learn how our client Boom Lab is already doing just that, check out this month’s articles below.

“Leadership is not about the next election, it’s about the next generation.” -Simon Sinek

Read the full newsletter here

Sue HawkesYESS! Newsletter February 2017