This chapter highlights leaders who changed the business world by paving the way for others. How do we learn from these game changers and lead without apologizing? How do we forge new trails while eliminating the barriers that don’t serve us?

Practices in the Book:

Stop Apologizing (pg. 79)

Lose the Naysayers (pg. 82)

Mentoring (pg. 85)

Embrace Your Inner B.I.T.C.H. (pg. 87)

Leaders Featured in the Book:

Marsha Firestone, PhD, Founder and President of The Women Presidents’ Organization (pg. 80)


“VC’s Conversations About Female Entrepreneurs” -Harvard Business Review

“20 Experts Share Their Leadership Tips” -John Brandon

“9 Books Every Founder Should Read” -Inc.

“The New Wave of Women’s Clubs” -Molly Bennet

“Experiences and Your Fear of Engagement” -Seth Godin

“5 Traits of Successful Teams” -Michael Schneider

“20 Habits of Unsuccessful and Ineffective Leaders” -Gordon Tredgold

“Fear-Setting: The Most Valuable Exercise I Do Every Month” -Tim Ferriss

“When Would We Be Without Failure?” -Seth Godin

“What Are You Willing to Struggle For?” -Mark Manson

“A Slow Motion Trainwreck” -Seth Godin

“Meet the Women Who Broke Silicon Valley’s Gender Barrier” -Maria Aspan

“Carry Yourself With the Confidence of a Mediocre White Man” -Julia Baird

“The Lessons Most People Learn Too Late in Life” -Ayodeji Awosika

“8 Successful People on the Last Time They Overcame Failure” -Evans Levy

“Women Need to Be Believed” -Jessica Valenti

“60 Great Business and Leadership Books, All Written by Women” -Rachel Happe

“A Point of View” -Seth Godin

“The Drip” -Seth Godin


“If you truly want to improve your self-worth, stop giving other people the calculator.” -Tim Fargo, author and entrepreneur

“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me?” -Ayn Rand, philosopher and author

Ali StieglbauerChapter 6: Game Changers & Trailblazers