YESS! Newsletter June 2017

by Sue Hawkes

Summer’s Here- Stay Focused & Share Tacos

Ahhhhh, spring transitioning into summer in Minnesota… is there anything better? Perhaps, yet its beckoning to “enjoy it while it lasts” can easily lead to getting distracted or taking my focus off my priorities in fits and starts. As we all enjoy the graduation, summer lake and cabin season, I encourage you to remain focused and diligent with your time; as a result you’ll ultimately accomplish your intended outcomes and enjoy the cabin or golf course that much more. When you read “3 Practices to Maximize Productivity and Engagement” you’ll learn how to more effectively say “no” (this is difficult for many of us!) and how doing so will help you define the priorities which are the highest and best use of your talent. When you spend your time doing only these things, you will benefit directly from the results in all areas of your life. There may even be a few half-day Fridays in your future! In our client highlight article, Fastspot shares how they’ve created an engaged culture in “Core Values and… Tacos?” You’ll read about the impact of recognizing people daily for demonstrating the behaviors that define the Fastspot team. Employee engagement maintains their thriving culture while keeping performance standards high. This is a tricky combination to sustain during any company’s growth and Fastspot nails it.

In order to maximize this beautiful time of year both in and away from work, I encourage you to better manage your time by saying “no,” and learn what’s possible when you apply creativity through Core Values regarding employee recognition. When tempted to stray, know that remaining disciplined is a key practice to your success. Keeping this in mind along with the weather, I encourage you to fully enjoy all the offerings of this great season. After all, that’s what we work so hard for!

Read the full newsletter here

Sue HawkesYESS! Newsletter June 2017