As a leader, you get to do it…
Especially when:
- Others won’t make the call
- You don’t want to wake up early
- Providing value before expecting a return
- Showing care for others when they don’t show care for you
- The risk is high, and worth it yet the guarantee isn’t there
- It’s uncomfortable, inconvenient or difficult
- No one is following yet
- You need the investment in yourself before you’re ready
- You’d rather not, because it’s easier to avoid
- We need results, not excuses
- It seems crazy, but you know in your gut it’s “right”
- You might look bad, or make mistakes
- You might fail again
- Others are unkind to you; you are kind in return
- You’re tired, and lonely and want to quit
- We need to move faster and are out of breath
- Deadlines and promises need to be met
- Accountability is required and things are going wrong
- Focus on the end game despite what the critics say
Pressure is the price of sitting at the leadership table. Are you up for it?