It’s Not Luck #1395 

by Sue Hawkes

Success isn’t just about being talented or having good luck. Talent alone doesn’t guarantee victory, and bad luck doesn’t guarantee defeat. They do play a part, but your response will determine the outcomes in the end.  Think about famous artists, inventors, and athletes. They had talent, but it was their hard work, resilience, and ability to adapt that made them…

Sue HawkesIt’s Not Luck #1395

An Outlier #1394 

by Sue Hawkes

At home and work, I think differently. I’m surrounded by amazing humans who are more alike than different, and I’m more different than alike. Choose your assessment, it will confirm my experience; the bars, lines, and dots are similar for most. Then there’s mine… it’s distinctly different.  While these differences make us great compliments to one another in many ways,…

Sue HawkesAn Outlier #1394

No Fire Drills #1893

by Sue Hawkes

Early in my career, a co-worker had a sign posted on her cube. It was a simple phrase and it stuck with me.  Part of the reason it stuck was she took great pride in referencing it when people entered her space with their “emergencies” tossing them into her lap hoping she’d embrace the concern and fix it.  She was…

Sue HawkesNo Fire Drills #1893

Keeping Your Word #1392

by Sue Hawkes

In a world plagued by busy schedules and never-ending to-do lists, it’s easy to fall into the trap of making excuses to the most important people in our world. We justify our absence, our lack of commitment, or our failure to follow through with promises. Have you ever stopped to consider the cost of those excuses? Behind every unkept promise…

Sue HawkesKeeping Your Word #1392

Look Again #1391 

by Sue Hawkes

When you feel defeated, everything takes longer.   How do you wrangle in your thinking to find the goodness and possibility when it seems things outside your control continue to erode?  It requires looking at where you’ve been, reconsidering what’s possible and creating space to think about what’s occurring from another angle, a different perspective and with a different attitude.  It…

Sue HawkesLook Again #1391

Do You Like What You Have? #1390

by Sue Hawkes

Our results are a product of what we do repeatedly. Said another way, we are what we repeatedly do.  The power of this statement is worthy.  As I look at my business, relationships and life, it affords the opportunity to change.   The question is, are you excited, proud, and thrilled with more of the same?  

Sue HawkesDo You Like What You Have? #1390

Your Actions Speak #1389 

by Sue Hawkes

The next time you’re faced with a choice between making grand promises and quietly getting things done, remember this timeless adage: Actions speak louder than words.  Our world is noisy and filled with empty talk, driven on social media by everyone seeking a microphone. It’s amplified, but is it meaningful?  A simple way to gain meaningful attention is to be…

Sue HawkesYour Actions Speak #1389

Imagine That #1388

by Sue Hawkes

I love working with leadership teams.   When I realize the privilege I have to create a safe space for them to be vulnerable, open, and honest about their challenges as they lead others, it’s truly humbling.  To lead often means you compartmentalize your insecurities to open a space for others to have confidence in an unprecedented future. You catalyze people’s…

Sue HawkesImagine That #1388

Is It Broken? #1387 

by Sue Hawkes

Are you a fixer?  I am and have been. In my life I’ve looked at people, situations, teams, my work, and my relationships as problems to be solved.   Guess what?   As long as that’s how I approach what’s happening, everything is a problem waiting to be solved. This is great for my ego, my identity, and sense of capability to…

Sue HawkesIs It Broken? #1387

Embracing Discomfort #1386 

by Sue Hawkes

I’ve said it before, discomfort = pain.   In place of learning new things, it’s easy to get comfortable and embrace the status quo.   True progress isn’t born from complacency; it thrives when we’re in harmony with our aspirations and our challenges.  Growth, in its purest form, is a dynamic journey that demands we step outside our comfort zones. When we…

Sue HawkesEmbracing Discomfort #1386