Purpose. It’s a big word and a deep well providing energy, resilience, and grit when you need it.
Do you know your purpose? Do you know your company’s purpose?
If not, it’s some of the most important work we do during our EOS journey, and it’s not always ready to be articulated.
That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
When you’re clear on your purpose, your work and life are lived “on purpose.”
If you don’t know, what can you do to uncover what’s there?
Take the time to access and articulate it. “People don’t lead, purposes do.” – Harry Beckwith
It’s what will get you out of bed on the tough days, the light at the end of the tunnel when it’s hard, and the offer that has you do the hard things whether you feel like it or not.
It’s also what exhilarates you when you’re having your best days, that feeling of fulfillment and joy as you are present to realizing what it’s all about. The endless well of goodness flooding your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
If you were to fast forward five years, what must have occurred over that timeframe for you to be happy and successful?
Begin here.