In Our PRIME #767 

by Sue Hawkes

Incremental improvement.  

I write about it often because until my life went off the rails years ago, I was a big believer in setting great big goals and going for it. 

Don’t get me wrong, I still believe in setting big goals, but my love of the goals has shifted to falling in love with the process. When you love the process, the goals are a natural outcome. 

For me, this meant reducing the big stuff into daily consistent doses of practice until it formed into habit. I like to keep saying consistent, incremental practice – because it has a compounding effect! 

So, we’re pausing on our podcast for a few months. We’re evaluating, rebranding, and returning better and more focused than we have been.  

It’s been great, yet we need to make it even better – intentionally.  

We are thrilled with where we are, and we know we’re ready for more.  

PRIME it. Pause. Reflect. Imagine. Marinate. Elevate.  

Are you ready?  

We will be. 

Sue HawkesIn Our PRIME #767