Do You Have a Vacation Process? #895 

by Sue Hawkes

Anticipating the return to work after vacation. Ugh. 

It can produce stress, regret, and anxiety for many of us.  

Learning how to ease into and out of vacation is an art. Consider this: 

  • Schedule only a ½ day the day before and after your first day back (a full day is even better!) 
  • Block your calendar so others don’t  
  • Plan meals at home for the first days / week you’re back 
  • Set out clothing for your first day – this keeps my decisions to a minimum on the first day, I love doing it daily 
  • Leave your autoresponder on through the first day at noon 
  • Schedule no challenging meetings on the first day if possible, let it be calls and BAU (business as usual) meetings 
  • Prepare in every way you can 
  • Go to bed early and eat a good breakfast 

When you and your team manage to your version of this, you won’t be as whiplashed upon your return. 

Treating it as a process makes it easier on you and your team. 

Sue HawkesDo You Have a Vacation Process? #895