The Sprint is Here #1209 

by Sue Hawkes

Q4 is here and officially in full swing. The year-end sprint filled with holidays, deadlines, and overcommitment has arrived.  

It’s easy to wonder where the time has gone – it seems like April was just yesterday. It’s also easy to get caught in the illusion that we have more time. We don’t. The unexpected always comes up, and no matter how many holiday seasons we’ve experienced, we forget the three full weeks we “lose” during this time. If you’re chuckling right now, it’s because you’ve been there, and realize I’m talking to you!  

Realistically, we’ve got about eight working weeks until 2024 arrives. So, how can we plan for success as the year comes to a close? How can we set goals that are stretchy yet attainable? Setting your Rocks (90-day priorities) is your answer. When you identify the 3-7 priorities for this quarter and set them S.M.A.R.T. you have an increased opportunity to finish the year strong. When working with my teams, I also recommend they set weekly milestones for each Rock to ensure they stay on track.  

Don’t get lulled into a false sense of security that you have three full months to accomplish your year-end goals. To enjoy this festive time without the stress of scrambling to get it all done, set your Rocks today and use my video to stay focused.  

The results and your sanity are worth it. 

Sue HawkesThe Sprint is Here #1209