7 Simple Rules #1529

by Sue Hawkes

Ever feel like life is just one big balancing act? Spoiler alert: it’s not supposed to be!

Balance is a myth, and chasing it often leaves us feeling more scattered than ever. But what if, instead, we focused on these seven simple rules for life?

  1. Make peace with your past. It’s time to stop letting yesterday screw up today. Reflection is powerful, and it’s worth making space for it.
  2. What others think of you is none of your business. Seriously. Quit taking things personally—QTIP! You’ll feel lighter instantly.
  3. Time heals (almost) everything. Give it time. We’re all going through something, and healing takes patience.
  4. Don’t compare your life to others. Everyone’s journey is different. When judgment creeps in, ask, “What must they be going through?” It changes everything.
  5. Stop overthinking. Answers will come when they’re ready. Until then, trust the process.
  6. Happiness is your job. Stop waiting for something external to change—change yourself, your perspective, and your experience.
  7. Smile. You don’t have to carry the weight of the world.

These rules aren’t just feel-good tips, they’re game-changers for how you lead, live, and show up daily. Start with one and watch how it transforms your perspective. Remember, alignment – not balance -is what truly moves the needle.

Sue Hawkes7 Simple Rules #1529