Savor The Goodness #579

by Sue Hawkes

The best lessons (opportunities?) for me are those I respond to with some sort of resistance. 

I’m awake enough to recognize any automatic “no,” bracing, or tension followed by irritation or defensiveness, is my ego protecting me in the moment. Typically, it’s an incredible opportunity to challenge myself, grow, and learn a bunch.  

After my talk, I planned to return to my room and evaluate what I missed, did well, worked and didn’t. It’s how I’ve worked my entire career. No better time than the present!  

Enter Camille Burns, CEO of the Women Presidents Organization ( who suggested I celebrate the experience for at least a day before evaluating how it went. My response was certainly not receptive.  

I caught it and asked her to explain as a few of us at the table were well versed in my way of doing things, and in her persuasive and gentle way, she said it might be good for me. 

I recognized this was a necessary lesson. So, I agreed to wait, savor the post-event joy and let the results of the past year’s preparation and delivery settle in. 

What a gift. To let the appreciation, opportunity, and incredible results fully sink in is not something I’ve allowed myself to do. I let her know. I’m not sure she will ever know the profound impact this lesson has had. I needed it more than I realized. 

When I went to view the replay while reviewing my notes today, the replay wasn’t posted yet.  

I still haven’t critiqued myself, and that’s just fine by me! 

Sue HawkesSavor The Goodness #579