Graceful Interruptions #582

by Sue Hawkes

We were enjoying dinner and the fabulous @kellyknight shared a term that was new to me: “NILSI.” 

NILSI stands for: No Interest Like Self Interest 

Acronyms/code words can be a wonderful interruption used to gracefully or humorously stop distracting, difficult, or challenging behaviors in a team environment – we’ve included a few we use, please add yours below – we can all use the help! 

WAIT – Why Am I Talking – for those of us who overdo it at times. 

QTIP – Quit Taking It Personally 

KISS – Keep It Simple Sweetie 

BITCH – Beauty In Total Control Of Herself or Boys I’m Taking Charge Here 

FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real, Face Everything And Rise, Forget Everything And Run (more here

Sue HawkesGraceful Interruptions #582