Don’t Confuse the Two #907 

by Sue Hawkes

When you spend time doing things you enjoy doing, they don’t feel like work. 

You know, the times when you look up and the clock has zoomed hour(s) ahead and it feels like minutes. Your energy is high, you’re present and engaged, and the work you are doing actually gives you more energy and fuels your passion. This is your purpose. 

In contrast, when you’re doing things you don’t enjoy, the clock can drag along seemingly tripling how long it takes to reach the next hour(s). Your energy is waning, at the very least you’re distracted or irritated and the work you’re doing drains your energy while your mind drifts to more pleasurable thoughts. This is called work. 

Don’t confuse the two.  

When you’re great at something and you love doing it, the best of you is available. It’s not selfish or foolish or inconceivable.  

Intentional Greatness® is living your life on purpose. 

It’s time.  

Sue HawkesDon’t Confuse the Two #907