One Way Out #191

by Sue Hawkes

One Way Out #191

How often do you and your team keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results? (thank you for this definition of insanity Rita Mae Brown). If you are challenged with the results you’re having, it’s time to examine your patterns. Often we follow the same patterns out of convenience rather than challenging our assumptions behind the behaviors.

This is certainly the case for our family around our meal planning. We tend to make the same meals, purchase the same foods, and rely on the same items we’ve been buying over time – and we wonder why we’re bored?

This weekend, my husband Kevin and I made a new recipe. We were seeking a healthy alternative to gnocchi and found a simple two-ingredient recipe to try. I say “we” loosely because I’m the one searching. Kevin is a willing partner but doesn’t search for alternatives in this way, it’s all me.

Regardless, it turned out well, and we really enjoyed the results. It was a refreshing outcome, as we’d prepared ourselves for a meal that may not be our best. It was far from it. We enjoyed it and we’re already planning to make it again with other sauces to increase the variety of foods in our diet.

It’s no different in business, we often expect the worst or anticipate mediocrity with change.
While this may level set our expectations, it also diminishes our willingness to try new things, question our behaviors, or adopt new practices with enthusiasm. If you’re stuck in a rut, there’s only one way out; unless you prefer insanity.

Sue HawkesOne Way Out #191