Have you ever had an experience where it seems time stopped?
I know you have. This is the experience of being fully present. Does it happen often in your world?
If not, it’s time to pause.
Who gets 100% of you? You know, 100% of your undivided attention. Yep, 100%. UN-divided.
If you’re searching for an answer, if any guilt showed up with the thought of the question, if Zooming around describes your life every day, it’s time to pause.
It’s not an easy question, not for busy people. Not for people juggling work, school, kids, family and self- care ALL within the same structure.
Because it’s not easy, it doesn’t mean you get a pass. It’s simple, not easy.
Pause. Think about it. Who do you want to get 100%? Make a list and do something about it.
Make the changes you need to with devices, boundaries, scheduling, and tasks. You know what to do.
Oh, one more question, are you on the list?