Excellence is always an option. Sometimes, it’s evasive and when life is overfull, excellence seems harder to reach given the time constraints. I don’t do well doing things halfway. In fact, I have so many ideas about what’s possible and how great something can be, it becomes hard for me to settle. I’m learning how to manage that as excellent…
When your core values align with your employees, clients, partners and vendors, you can make mistakes. When trust is high, and you’ve delivered on what you said time after time, you can make mistakes. When you go the extra mile, especially when it’s not required or expected, you can make mistakes. When you’ve done none of the above, don’t be…
Reframing your language is more than putting a “positive spin” on your language and thinking. It’s about redirecting energy. When you focus on something being difficult, bad, sad or a problem, you’re essentially saying your circumstances are the way that it is, will be and you can’t do anything about it. This leads to being stuck. When you reframe the…
One of the requests I make at the workshops I lead is to “be willing to receive as much as you give.” Believe it or not, this is a challenge for many leaders. Are you a good receiver? When people compliment you, do you immediately reciprocate with a compliment back out of habit, obligation, or discomfort? Many people do. Do…
After writing 1300 daily blogs, here’s what I’ve learned at this moment on the journey. I am keenly aware I’m disrupted internally and that’s a good thing. I believe I’m in some form of transition…again. I’m excited to see all that emerges as we move into our Annual Planning next week and we move through heavy conference and speaking season.…
You owe yourself one hour a day for self-care. It can include reading, writing, yoga, exercise, dancing, meditation, painting, or whatever, but you owe it to yourself. One hour, 1/24 of your day. That’s less than 5%. It matters, it really does. Make it count. At one point in my life, I read this and yet I still couldn’t find…
Is it really failure when things don’t work? Often, we look at the lack of results we intended as a failure, when perhaps it’s something more. I am a learner; I often refer to myself as a lifelong learner. I value reading, learning organically and in workshops, from digital sources and books, and really any challenge to my thinking is…
As a leader, you’re tasked with two things: leading people and managing results. If you can do both well, you are the magician most of us want on our team. Any given day, you can defer to the easier of the two given your skillset. Certainly results, when mostly attainable from our own actions, are easier. When you begin to…
Commitment. Your 100% commitment only happens when you weigh in, discuss, debate, and challenge ideas, issues, and opportunities in an unfiltered way. If you withhold, even a little, (like choosing to “pick your battles” or conserve your energy for a better time), you can’t be in 100%. One of the best results from healthy discussion and debate is that when…
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, thinking “I just can’t do it all,” I have a way to reframe that thinking. It’s become a muscle I’ve exercised enough to move through these moments and quit wasting time. Yes, overwhelm is a waste of time – I am the one who overcommitted, and I am the one who needs to be in action…