Finding Meaning

by Sue Hawkes

Finding Meaning

Doesn’t it feel like the holidays begin earlier and earlier each year? It seems that Halloween candy is out in the stores the minute school supplies are purchased, and Thanksgiving starts knocking on November 1st. Although I could use a little more breathing room between the celebrations, the holiday spirit does get me thinking about whether I’m living my life on purpose. The beginning of our designated season of giving, celebration, family and community seems the perfect time to ask yourself if your life and actions are truly aligned with your greater purpose. Is what you’re investing your time in on a daily basis aligned with what matters most to you? Perhaps it’s time to step back and reflect while gathering perspective.

Similar to core values, knowing your purpose matters when it becomes the foundation for your thoughts, practices, actions and design for life. It becomes the basis for your choices and actions daily. It becomes the compass to guide you through the overwhelming amount of options for what to say yess and no to. When living life on purpose, gratitude, joy and clarity are present; when off purpose, stress, overwhelm and discontent are present. In case you’re unclear, here are some questions to help you define or reflect on your purpose:

  • The reasons I am alive, here today are…
  • What gives my life a true sense of meaning is…
  • More than anything in life, I want to be…
  • If I could do anything in life and not worry about money, what would that be?
  • If time, energy and money were not an object, what would I be doing?
  • What is most important to me in life?
  • If I could change the world, what things would I change?

We have the ability to experience and greatly alter our present and future. You have the ability to detach from experiences which are misaligned for you while moving yourself in the direction which most fulfills you. As you move through your life each day, however, you may become frustrated. When this occurs, you can highlight this thought in your mind: Everything that exists was originally a thought. Be aware that thoughts become things – choose wisely and purposeFULLy.

Now that you’ve defined your purpose, what will you do about it? What thought will you turn into action? I suggest beginning with 3 actionable ideas that will enhance your experience of living on purpose – especially through the holiday season. Consistently doing small things with intention will create a lasting impact. Similar to core values, living on purpose makes life richer because it allows us to create deeper meaning for ourselves and with others. During this wonderful preamble to the holidays, imagine what a richer experience of gratitude, joy and peace would offer to you. It won’t happen by accident, it will only happen on purpose.

Sue HawkesFinding Meaning