#19 – 20 Pounds in a 10 Pound Bag

by Sue Hawkes

#19 – 20 Pounds in a 10 Pound Bag

We’re busy people. We are goal setters and problem solvers and doers. These are my people. They run businesses and lead people. Sitting still is not something they do well unless truly fatigued.

So how do we truly become content amidst all we’re accomplishing? My theory is this: you have to create space in order to have the space to create.

Sounds easy enough, right? Not for us. Not for my people. We are people who do too much better than anyone. We are more effective when we are busy than when we have idle time. Our doing defines us.

Perhaps too much.

The only way to gain clarity, protect your confidence and truly access your “best self” is to create some space to assess your life from a macro lens. You need to zoom out and see if the things you’re doing are those that align with your highest and best use, feed your soul and bring joy in your work and time away. When’s the last time you did that?

If you’re not doing this with frequency, aligning your life with those activities, people and commitments which contribute to your freedom and joy, you’re going to crash and burn. The question is when. You can’t keep adding more and working for better time management.

Designing life takes work. Living life by design is a process of recalibrating and realigning with your commitments in time. If you’re not in sync with your fullest expression, it may be time to step back and look from 10,000 feet. The choice is yours; crash or soar. You can’t keep putting 20 pounds in a 10 pound bag forever.

Sue Hawkes#19 – 20 Pounds in a 10 Pound Bag