10 Lessons Learned at 10% Completion! #100

by Sue Hawkes

10 Lessons Learned at 10% Completion! #100

10% completed! For those playing along, I’m checking in with observations along the way of blogging daily t0 1,000 total blogs as challenged by Seth Godin.

I’ve been at it since February. He’s said when you reach 200 or so, you’re glad you did it. Well, I’ve had many moments of that experience and also moments of “dang, why am I doing this?” as well as “what am I going to write about?”

Fortunately, I’m glad more than I struggle and offer my observations to this point here:

  1. It’s a great practice that makes you a better, more present observer daily.
  2. When writing for the discipline, it makes you think before you write.
  3. When you’re stuck, family and friends are happy to help (thank you Kevin and Ali, as well as to my clients who really help me when in session or during a workshop call out something as worthwhile).
  4. People value things said/experiences that I would bypass as irrelevant or common and that is helpful to know – it makes me appreciate learning with others, not always learning what’s “new.”
  5. You don’t have to write a lot to blog – short and sweet works. (Thanks Mahtab for offering that shorter blogs are easier to consume regularly).
  6. Writing for yourself is worthwhile, it’s not about what happens online.
  7. It’s great if people comment, especially when you can get into a deeper conversation about the topic – online or directly (thanks Jodi and Mallory in particular). It also lets me know people are playing along which matters on the days I’m doubtful.
  8. It’s challenging, but worthwhile and provides for great conversation when you meet people and they are playing along.
  9. Much of what I write or muse about isn’t very good, but some of it is priceless which makes it all worthwhile.
  10. I’m proud of sticking with something I committed to do daily. It makes me appreciate how disciplined I can be.
Sue Hawkes10 Lessons Learned at 10% Completion! #100