Chaos Offers Opportunities # 281

by Sue Hawkes

I reached a breaking point last week. The chaos of Coronavirus and its impact was just too much. My mood reflected that frustration, sadness, sense of loss of control, fear, and anxiety.

It wasn’t working for me. I was less than productive and stuck.

And that’s when it happened. I re-framed my mindset. I reminded myself it’s easy to lead when things are going well. We need leaders when it’s challenging.

Immediately, I was asking different questions:

  • What can I do to help move things forward?  
  • How can I inspire my family, team, clients and community to forward action?
  • What are the opportunities presenting themselves right now? (problems are opportunities waiting for a solution)
  • What can I do right NOW to make a difference?
  • What am I grateful for?

After these questions, the result was initially to send out helpful information, coach clients, check in and have many conversations. Next, we asked how we could do our work differently. We already work remotely within our company; however, our sessions and trainings are in person. For some, that will need to change. Now I have time in my calendar that was originally planned for travel – how can I maximize it? With the time that has opened up due to cancelled conferences, keynotes and workshops, how can I use that time? It is an opportunity to think forward to those projects I “never” have time for and create value for those I serve.

We did our first “live” coaching session with a group of 12 leaders who jumped in with questions, situations and expertise. We recorded it to help others as well. Here’s a snippet of the conversation. We’ll share more this week and let you know when we’ll do it again.

[su_youtube url=””]

We’re here to help. Please reach out to us.

Sue HawkesChaos Offers Opportunities # 281