How do you make things special amidst a pandemic?
Our oldest turned 27 yesterday. We wanted to put a positive spin on it, so we did some baking, made one of her favorite cakes, made some large signs, packed up the gifts and arrived at her doorstep when she returned home from work. Nothing we did was out of the ordinary, but it mattered.
We organized ourselves under the perception we were surprising her and making an effort to visit and see her when we couldn’t really celebrate the way we’d always done together before.
Yet, as we were delivering the goodies, holding up our signs with our masks on and traveling around town depositing goodies for others as well, we realized it was good for us AND her.
When things are difficult, stressful, challenging, uncertain, what can you do?
You can focus on bringing joy to others. When you do so, your world brightens up, as does theirs and both of you are lifted. While it won’t be the most memorable Birthday in some ways, perhaps it will be one of the most memorable in the most meaningful of ways.
If you’re noticing lack in the world, offer what’s lacking and watch what happens.