With a heavy heart, I am writing this blog. I have very few words as I’m overwhelmed by sadness, compassion, shock, disgust and horror at the death of George Floyd.
I was having a great day, doing what seemed to be meaningful work with our team for our company. We were grappling with the realities of C-19, the opportunities we have and the reality we believe we face. It was not all fun and games, but when you’re with the right people, it’s a challenge you’re up for.
When I returned home from the first almost 7-hour day I’ve been away from my home since March 10, I was energized, optimistic and hopeful. It was liberating to be “out” (socially distant of course) and with people I love. That hasn’t happened beyond my two quarantine mates for almost 13 weeks.
And then I read my Facebook notifications. I’ve been avoiding them more and more. Our world is divided and stressed. It’s a bad combination when you’re dealing with a pandemic.
Enter the first posts I see of George Floyd. I make myself watch the video, I’d rather not, it’s awful. It’s absurd and devastating really. And I cry. What difference will it make if I post something? How can I not post something? We must act. We must.
Our world is polarized. Murder is wrong. We know this. We must not look past it or avoid the opportunity to change things. I will not lose my faith in humanity, though it’s hard to keep it right now. We must find a way to come together. We must use this challenging time to rise to the challenge of doing what’s right for ALL people. Silence helps no one.
We cannot go along with what’s happening amidst a pandemic to be too busy or self-consumed to right many wrongs. Our world needs to feel safe for everyone. Speak up.