What Are YOU Doing? #367

by Sue Hawkes

Initiating action is a drug for me. Being causal. Starting movements. 

Call it the entrepreneur in me, but when there is a need for action, I’m in. This year is suited to people like me. We catalyze opportunities and are okay with making mistakes. Our cautious culture in Minnesota is leery of this. That’s okay, my approval needs are low and my risk tolerance is high. 

At this point in history, we need action. The door is open for racial remediation and we all need to act. Our world is dealing with a pandemic and we need to act.  

Certainly, we need to learn and educate ourselves, AND there is much work to do. If we wait until we are fully prepared, we will miss a window of opportunity and other “priorities” will erode our attention from taking action. 

We’ve started dialogs, they are meaningful and informative. I’ve learned more in these discussions than in my book study though both are useful.  

Learning Minneapolis feels “soulless” for others and letting that sink in moves me into action. That’s not my experience.  I don’t want it to be that way for anyone else either.  There is much work to do friends, and we are the ones to do it.  

What action are you taking? Every action affecting change matters. What are you doing?  

Sue HawkesWhat Are YOU Doing? #367