Six Things To Let Go Of In 2021 #493

by Sue Hawkes

If you’re not ready to move forward, decide what you’ll let go of. This way, you’re releasing anchors on your life and creating momentum in the process. 

  1. Unhealthy habits  

Whatever you deem to be “unhealthy” write it down. You don’t need to exercise, do a detox, start a new diet, read daily, meditate, journal, write your book, save more money and begin a new career all right now. Make the list. See what you gravitate toward and decide what improvement would be worthwhile. Consider a buddy who may want to incrementally improve with you. Do it. Check in. Support each other and get better a little. Every. Day. When it’s habit, review the list and see what grabs you. Repeat. 

  1. Toxic relationships 

Every year, I look back at the year and my relationships. The ones that are mutually beneficial, energizing, forwarding, enjoyable, values aligned and fulfilling, I maintain. I plan events with them, and I make time. The relationships which aren’t like this, I reduce or remove from my calendar, social media and I invest little or no time. It doesn’t need to be harsh or difficult, I simply need to invest my time elsewhere.  

  1. Holding on to the past 

Let it go. We aren’t going back. No matter how good or bad it was, it’s in the past and needs to say there. Romanticizing it doesn’t make it real today. Create ways to envision a future so compelling you won’t spend your precious time living in the past. Surround yourself with people who remind you of what’s possible in the future. Let your past be a companion riding safely in the back seat while you navigate from the driver’s seat. 

  1. Looking For Validation On Social Media 

You may have overloaded (like I did) last year, but taking a break from all forms of social media is good for the psyche. We know comparison is the thief of joy, and social media is the place where that’s on hyperdrive. Consider a detox for a day, week or month and see how it feels. You may be surprised.  

  1. Doing things you don’t enjoy  

Let’s be real. When you’ve not done something before, it’s okay to try it and move on. When did we forget that. Life is short. Whether it’s work, watching a movie, attending an event, cleaning your space, or certain kinds of exercise, you don’t have to suffer. There is no glory in wasting your time doing things you don’t find enjoyable. Either find a solution, or change your mindset. Life is too short. 

  1. Other people’s opinions  

What you think of me is none of my business. Work on this one and it will set you free. Live your life, your way and watch the world open up to you! 

Sue HawkesSix Things To Let Go Of In 2021 #493