More Than Enough #529

by Sue Hawkes

I have an office with windows in a semi-circle revealing beautiful landscape outdoors. 

Today it’s snowing lightly.  

It’s the kind of snow you don’t mind, it doesn’t really accumulate much and it’s warm in Minnesota terms at 30 degrees Fahrenheit. (Don’t shudder warm weather friends, we have clothing for this.) 

One of the most peaceful, grounded, clear experiences available are on days like these.  

They don’t happen in warm weather. It’s not still the same way.  

And it doesn’t feel like you’re in a snow globe. That’s what my office provides, a window into the world inside a snow globe, and it feels pseudo magical.  

In this stillness, I am clear and one with everything and everyone now and before.  

It’s a connectedness unavailable if you’re too busy.  

Today, I’m completely present and this is more than enough. 

Sue HawkesMore Than Enough #529