Deep Gratitude (part 2) #578

by Sue Hawkes

Then it was show time. Almost a year of preparation culminating in 75 minutes of edutainment. 

The 16 people I cared most about at the conference were front and center, smiling, nodding their heads and supporting me throughout the talk. I was able to make eye contact with every one of them at some given point during the talk.  

It bolstered me. I was encouraged and fueled by their support.  

They each played a role in helping me bring ALL of me to that event. It became a team sport in a big way. 

To have a group of people within an audience of 1,000 in-person and 400 online who are 100% encouraging you in all ways right up to and including the delivery is a humbling experience. 

It was all about them. If they were happy, it was working.  

I left it all on the court that day. Every. Last. Bit. 

Thanks to them.  

Sue HawkesDeep Gratitude (part 2) #578