Ending The Year Strong #691 

by Sue Hawkes

It’s started. My busiest time of year for work has arrived. 

I look forward to it with both a passion and some level of dread. 

September is always a mixed bag that way for me. Moving from the easier, more social, warm pace of summer to the hustle back to school, fall and then the rush to the holidays. It’s a transition month much like April. 

By the time we reach October, I’ve adjusted and am hunkered down to a focused, head down, buzz working my way through to Thanksgiving and the fullness of December. 

I’m present to these patterns, and this year, I don’t feel hostage to them. While I enjoy the pace of summer, this transition time wakes a renewed sense of purpose for me. 

It’s a joy to renew my focus on ending the year strong and envisioning what’s to come in business, as a leader and in life. 

Resetting is required, and appreciation of this reset is necessary for me. 

I’m hopeful you’ll join us in ending the year strong on November 3rd.  

It’s our gift to you. Don’t miss it! 

Sue HawkesEnding The Year Strong #691