Let’s ROCk #849 

by Sue Hawkes

If you’ve worked with us, you know about Rocks. 

As a student of EOS®, you are well informed about this kind of Rocks. Those 90-day priorities we distill from our V/TO™ to ensure we stay on track as leaders throughout the company. They’re intended to keep us focused on our most important results for the quarter. When we work them, they keep us honest to the game we agreed to play. 

Now to add a twist. As a leader, do you share ROCs to give and receive? 

ROCs are: 

  • Resources 
  • Opportunities 
  • Connections 

If not, the acronym can help us all be better. When you share your ROCs with others, you’re growing your team, yourself, your company, and your network. 

The term works to ensure we lead well in both cases. 

Are you ROCking it?  

It’s time. 

Sue HawkesLet’s ROCk #849