Eye to Eye and I to I #901 

by Sue Hawkes

One of my new endeavors has been to lead the Rocket Fuel Master Class and Integrator Mastery Forum. As I think of the significant benefits to my own learning and development, one of the most immediate is to be in a room with high performing leaders. 

I’ve had a similar journey with the Implementors; the difference with Integrators is they are in the business doing the work. We are on the business doing the work. 

It’s an incredible opportunity; almost like internal and external consultants locking arms to raise the bar for the teams and companies we all represent. 

We see eye to eye – or more accurately, I to I. 

The next several blogs are dedicated to the lessons and learnings from this new journey.  

We’ll all be better for it. 

I’m grateful. 

Sue HawkesEye to Eye and I to I #901