Make Them Count #984 

by Sue Hawkes

The afterglow of Thanksgiving is a real thing for me. 

We do our best version of Martha Stewart meets Julia Child in our midwestern way. Our home is filled with our chosen family and varies in number year to year. 

This year offered many unique gifts, friends we consider family worked all day prior to the event and added to the richness of the day. A reunion of grandparents who hadn’t enjoyed a holiday together for years warmed our hearts and connected our families.  

The patchwork quilt of relationships we accumulate makes it the best opportunity to give thanks and celebrate.  

As I bathe in holiday music, leftovers, and memories of this year’s celebration, I appreciate our abundance and inclusivity even more. 

We only have so many days to share, it’s imperative to make them count. 

We did. 

Sue HawkesMake Them Count #984