All You Need #988 

by Sue Hawkes

Wow. What a tradition we’ve started as a family. 

I woke up this morning overflowing with gratitude.  

As a blended family, we’ve been intentional about how we spend time, focusing on experiences that connect us, allow us all to be ourselves, and value our time together fully.  

Each year, we spend a day together and it’s expanded as we’ve grown together. What was once a dinner and concert has bloomed into a day filled with connection and joy. 

We began our day visiting our client General Pattern to say hello to their incredible holiday bonanza and drop off toys for tots. We reconnected and enjoyed petting zoo animals – the girls and I loved it. 

We then moved to get glammed up at the Wow Bar in Edina, had lunch together, and got our nails done. It’s the one time in the year the three of us hang out and enjoy some serious pampering – even as we adjusted to the amount of makeup we wore! 

When we returned home, we had happy hour, dressed up and headed to dinner including the boys for a decadent meal including toasts to our family, memories of our funniest, goofiest and most joy filled memories of holidays past.  

We welcomed Jacob Bandyk to the family tradition and arrived at the event we consider the beginning of the Christmas season at The New Standards concert. It was as epic as usual – more about this in tomorrow’s blog. 

Let me say, when you’re fully present with those you love, it’s all you need.  

My heart is full, this is the greatest gift.  

Sue HawkesAll You Need #988