I’m Ready #1006 

by Sue Hawkes

Having spent the week ending 2022 and beginning 2023 in Arizona, reflecting, eating healthy, celebrating, doing new things, and truly unplugging was one of the best gifts I’ve received. 

I met my dear friend Kelly Knight at the airport and though we’ve never traveled together, it was terrifically easy. Our interests and pacing are similar.  

I had enough alone time, together time, and challenge. 

I had enough rest, reflection, and good food. 

I had enough laughter, deep conversation, and connection. 

I learned how to play pickleball, tried aerial yoga, hiked in the Sonora desert and worked a water circuit remaining in a 55-degree pool for 3 minutes (on my 3rd trip). These were all new things offering learning I’ll explore in the following blogs.  

It was magical, indulgent, and restorative.  

This may become a new annual journey.  

Success has no restrictions. 

2023 is what I make it.  

I’m ready. 

Sue HawkesI’m Ready #1006