An Expensive Habit #1108 

by Sue Hawkes

We’ve all been there — waiting until the last minute to complete a task, thinking it only affects us. However, the ripple effect of procrastination extends far beyond us. Unintentionally, our actions impact those around us, sometimes significantly. When we delay, we unknowingly disrupt schedules, burden others, and compromise the quality of collaboration. The dominoes start to fall.  

When we do this repeatedly, it will impact the relationship by eroding trust. It can become a deterrent to do things together, causing headwinds the procrastinator didn’t intend and may not understand. 

The people around us often delay their own progress to accommodate the incompletions. The people waiting for our contribution are left scrambling to compensate. The stress and tension caused by our procrastination can strain relationships and compromise trust. The lasting impact can be damaging over time. It will color how people see us and could mean we’re excluded from opportunities in the future. 

Recognizing the broader consequences of our procrastination is essential. By being proactive and considerate of others’ time and efforts, we can break the cycle. Learning to embrace the power of timely action and respecting the interconnectedness of our lives is the starting point. 

A small change in our habits can have a favorable impact on those around us. Most of us procrastinate about the things we don’t enjoy, otherwise procrastination may be a result of a lack of capacity. Either way, finding ways to delegate, automate, let go of, and outsource those things we don’t like to do or can’t get to is essential to maintain connected, collaborative relationships. 

When you look at the cost based on impact, it’s an expensive habit to maintain.  

Sue HawkesAn Expensive Habit #1108