The Choice is Yours #1121 

by Sue Hawkes

I have a challenge to you—one that could transform your leadership as well as your personal interactions: Examine your intent when listening and reflect on its impact. 

As leaders, we often find ourselves in positions of authority, armed with knowledge and experience. We are quick to respond, eager to showcase our expertise, and driven to solve problems efficiently. But in the pursuit of efficiency, we risk neglecting the true power of empathetic understanding. 

When you engage in a conversation, check in with yourself, are you genuinely listening to understand, or are you merely waiting for your turn to respond? Are you focused on the person speaking and their unique perspective, or are you concerned with delivering your thoughts and ideas? 

The impact of our intent on others cannot be overstated. When we listen with the intention to respond, we inadvertently convey a message that our opinions hold greater value than others. We miss the opportunity to truly grasp their emotions, concerns, and aspirations. This approach creates an unconscious divide, hindering collaboration and stifling the potential for innovative solutions. 

When we shift our intent to listening in order to understand, a remarkable transformation occurs. We create an environment where individuals feel valued, respected, and heard. Recognizing that every voice contributes a vital piece to the collective puzzle, we open ourselves to diverse perspectives and insights. 

Genuine understanding requires us to be fully present, setting aside our own agendas and biases. It involves active listening—observing body language, maintaining eye contact, and demonstrating empathy through verbal and non-verbal cues. It means asking questions to delve deeper into the speaker’s thoughts and feelings. 

We are challenged to become leaders who seek to understand. Taking the time to connect with others on a deeper level, absorbing their ideas, and acknowledging unique experiences. Embracing the discomfort of silence and resisting the urge to fill the void with our words. Instead, we let others’ words guide us toward a more inclusive and collaborative approach. 

This is the first step of transformational leadership. Listening to understand radiates empathy, trust, and respect, creating stronger relationships and fostering an environment where Intentional Greatness® can flourish.  

The choice is yours. 

Sue HawkesThe Choice is Yours #1121