Sunny Days #1131 

by Sue Hawkes

No state is permanent.  

In my work with teams, it’s very apparent because one team is winning the game, having their best year (so far) and celebrating an abundance of great news several weeks or quarters in a row. At the very same time, sometimes the next day, I’ll work with a team struggling through what feels like an unending amount of bad news, whether for a quarter or the year, wondering when things will get better and challenged to find hope at the moment. 

I remind teams in the celebratory moments to savor the experience, because no matter what they do, the rollercoaster called business goes in both directions. It’s easier to receive this perspective when you’re winning. And often, the wisdom is superficially received at that moment. After all, everything is going our way. 

In the same way, when things are difficult and inventing new ways to reframe challenges into opportunities becomes fatiguing, this is when your memory must kick in to remind you of the brighter days when it seemed everything was going your way. 

Whether it’s your best day, your worst day, or anything in between, we need to remind ourselves that no state is permanent; it is like the weather.  

No matter how many days it rains, the sunny days return. 

Sue HawkesSunny Days #1131