Let it Rain #1149 

by Sue Hawkes

We’d planned on a pontoon ride last night, then the rain moved in.  

We need the rain, the drought is real, the lake is down a lot, and we may be limited in our remaining trips. 

We’re conflicted; happy for the rain, sad our ride will be delayed. 

As we gratefully watched the rain and connected indoors, we decided we’d have a window of about an hour to be on the boat…maybe both could happen? 

In fact, as the rain subsided and the perfect temperature remained, we slipped away, enjoying our ride, only to return as the clouds moved in. 

When we returned to the house, the downpour began. 

Our timing and the evening was perfect. 

Perhaps, when you accept what is, things work out and you can have it all.  

Today, this was the case. 

Sue HawkesLet it Rain #1149