In the Flow #1150 

by Sue Hawkes

Lessons at 1150. I’m skipping the preamble; we’ve been blogging daily for over 4 years now. It’s been wonderful and incredible as a learning opportunity.  

As of right now, the lessons I’m present to include: 

  1. For the first time in the four years, I forgot to blog…and it was okay! Shout out to Ali Stieglbauer for having my back and finding content I’d written so she could keep it going for me. Truth be told, I may have missed more otherwise. Thanks for the teamwork, you truly are the best. 
  1. I’ve amped up other practices, including exercise as this season of life requires it of me and my body is in charge. With that said, my attention is fine tuned to my sleep and activity. More on that as we go. 
  1. I’m finding the itch to begin a new way to blog – hence the ask in blog #1146. Thanks to all who responded, I believe we’ll test a new video version of the blog including hacks and lessons – it may transform what happens here. We’ll keep you posted. 
  1. I’m appreciating a great balance of work and time away, enjoying summer and time with friends; the flow works. 
  1. When in the flow, new ideas are clearer, simpler, and more focused. I’m grateful to be awake to the changes and happy to explore what’s emerging. The only constant is change. 
Sue HawkesIn the Flow #1150