The Achiever Who Lowered the Bar #1173 

by Sue Hawkes

Those of who you have followed along on my blogging journey know that I thrive on productivity and accomplishment. So, today’s blog – about intentionally lowering the bar – might seem surprising. During life’s toughest challenges, however, I discovered that this approach is something every leader needs.  

During a particularly difficult phase of my life, I struggled to get out of bed in the morning. The simplest tasks seemed like monumental achievements. I felt like I’d never get my mojo back and realized I needed to reevaluate my definition of success.  

I decided to start small by dedicating just 10 minutes a week to exercise – a far cry from my usual routine and years spent playing volleyball several times a week. But this wasn’t about giving up or accepting less. Instead, it was a way to adapt to my circumstances and regain positive momentum.  

I swallowed my pride, and the strategy worked. Those 10 minutes every week became my lifeline, symbolizing victory amid chaos. With time, I exceeded the goal, and began to exercise twice a week, then more. Lowering the bar wasn’t about settling; it was about rebuilding a sense of accomplishment. By celebrating small victories, I affirmed my resilience.  

If you’re feeling stuck, try lowering the bar to kickstart your momentum. Remember, progress, no matter how small, fuels motivation. You’ve got this, and you will get your mojo back.   

Sue HawkesThe Achiever Who Lowered the Bar #1173