3 Ways to Navigate Difficult Conversations Like a Pro #1182 

by Sue Hawkes

When it comes to having difficult conversations, we all can feel uncomfortable. We worry about how the other person will respond or if they will take what we say personally. No one becomes skilled at these conversations overnight; it takes repetition and practice.  

How can you proceed with confidence? 

1. Roleplay: As much as people dismiss or dislike role playing, it’s one of the best things you can do to clarify your talking points in preparation for a difficult conversation.  

2. Call Out Your Fears: Sharing with vulnerability sets the tone and opens the door for an honest exchange. If you’re concerned the conversation might impact the relationship, state that up front.   

3. Seek Common Ground: Every difficult conversation has the potential for mutual understanding. More often than not, you and the other person see many parts of the situation similarly. Start there and proceed together before exploring differences.  

Ready to take a deeper dive into communication and leadership? Join us October 3rd for Unlocking Effective Communication: A Workshop for People Leading People.  

Effective communication is the heart of great leadership and management. During this workshop you’ll learn actionable practices and leave communicating more effectively with your team.  

Learn more and register here, space is limited!  

Sue Hawkes3 Ways to Navigate Difficult Conversations Like a Pro #1182