Unifying Teams in a Hybrid Culture #1184 

by Sue Hawkes

In the world of remote and hybrid (flexible) work, what most would consider over-communicating is a requirement. Staying connected requires a new commitment when you’re not physically sharing space as a team.  

As a leader, how do you ensure everyone is connected? How do you keep your culture strong? How do you foster accountability without micromanaging and constant status updates? My clients and I are asking these questions as our teams grow. 

I don’t have all the answers, but I do believe it’s our job as leaders to figure them out. As we continue to navigate remote and hybrid work, I’m going back to the basics: asking my team what type of communication they need and prefer, daily huddles to answer questions and align our priorities, and making a point to share personal updates in meetings.  

The way we work is continually shifting and will never return to “the way things were,” but that doesn’t mean we need to sacrifice our culture or results. The single greatest transformative power for any group of people is teamwork. The foundation of teamwork is trust. Trust begins with effective communication.  

If you’re hungry to improve your culture, deliver cohesive results, and strengthen your team, join us October 3 as we dive deeply into these topics with Unlocking Effective Communication: A Workshop for People Leading People. 

You’ll learn communication tools to lead and manage your team more effectively, no matter where or how you work. If your culture is a priority, Learn more and register here . Space is limited and we’re already 50% sold out. Don’t wait, your team won’t. 

Sue HawkesUnifying Teams in a Hybrid Culture #1184