Your Leadership Legacy #1187 

by Sue Hawkes

Great leadership is not just about the people you directly impact, it’s also about how the people you directly impact are impacting others. Said another way, you’re not a leader until you produce a leader who produces a leader. If it isn’t two generations beyond you, it’s really not leadership, it’s influence. As Jim Collins says, “you’re a genius with 1,000 helpers.”  

Do you get interrupted multiple times whenever you’re away for a day or more? If so, you’ve got helpers, not leaders.  

Great leadership means your team can function in a healthy way with and without you. As you think about your current team, do you have the next generation of leaders in place? It begins with you. Ask yourself the following questions to evaluate your leadership legacy: 

  • Am I Helping Others Grow as Leaders? Are you guiding and supporting those you lead to become leaders and are they equipped to do the same for those they lead?  
  • What Will My Leadership Mean for the Future? How will your leadership today affect your team and company in the long term? Are we making decisions for the greater good of all? 
  • Have I Encouraged a Culture of Leadership? Have you created an environment where many people are encouraged to develop as leaders, not just a select few? Does your culture compel people to leadership?  

Great leadership shapes the leaders of tomorrow and the generations beyond. Your legacy is waiting, and your people are the work. If you’re ready to gain additional tools to support your leadership legacy, join us at Unlocking Effective Communication: A Workshop for People Leading People, on October 3rd. Learn more and register here, space is limited and we’re 50% sold out already. Don’t wait, your people won’t. 

Sue HawkesYour Leadership Legacy #1187