A Beginner’s Mindset #1189 

by Sue Hawkes

Recently Ali and I were having a conversation about the new skills she’s learning now that she is fully in our marketing seat at YESS!. As we discussed upcoming projects and goals, she shared that she feels like she’s failing and nothing is working.  

I was surprised, as I’m proud of the work she is doing and know she’s fully focused on new offerings from our business that won’t be successful overnight. I reminded her she is putting in the effort to learn, and that we just need more experience before the results will begin to show up. I also pointed out the results we are having – which are many. Recognizing early wins is critical to learning.  

As we talked, I again realized the power of embracing a beginner’s mindset. When we’re trying something new, we can enjoy learning and not be afraid to make mistakes when we release or reduce our immediate expectations. A beginner’s mindset also means not comparing ourselves to other areas of our own expertise or to those who have more experience than we do – of course we can’t be at their level yet, it takes time.  

As leaders, it can feel like we need to have all the answers. But the truth is, none of us do. We’re all works in progress, continuously learning which means we’re growing.  

I’m happy to share that Ali felt more positive after our conversation and I know she will continue to learn while making a terrific impact along the way.  

Don’t take my word for it, check out our new online courses she’s been working on here, please learn with us, we’d love your feedback! 

Sue HawkesA Beginner’s Mindset #1189