Talent that Fits #1190  

by Sue Hawkes

Finding the right talent seems more challenging than ever. As a leader, you understand that hiring someone who is a core values culture fit is critical, but you also need the position filled… yesterday! I’m here to tell you that waiting for the right fit is worth it. 

Sometimes, your high standards make it feel harder. That’s actually a good thing. Your core values are unique, and not every candidate will share them, no matter how skilled they may be. In fact, it may only be 20% of the people you consider who really are a match – and they need the unique talent to do the job you’re hiring for as well. It takes time, patience, and maybe a few false starts to hire the right person. That’s normal, and better than the alternative.   

When you a have core values mismatch, it’s like trying to grow a fern in the desert. It won’t work, not because the fern is bad or the desert is terrible, it’s because the environment can’t support the plant and the plant can’t grow in that environment. The only win is when you hire employees who will thrive in your environment, and that takes time.  

Trust yourself and the process. That might mean taking the time necessary to fill the position (likely longer than you want), or missing a few opportunities, but finding the right people is the key to long-term success and growth. 

Gain additional tools to win with people in our upcoming workshop, Unlocking Effective Communication: A Workshop for People Leading People. Join us Oct. 3 and learn the communication tools you need to increase accountability, enhance company culture, and hire and manage effectively. Register here, we’re already 50% sold out! 

Sue HawkesTalent that Fits #1190