Hitting the Ceiling #1194  

by Sue Hawkes

Do you ever feel like you’re underwater, constantly behind, and like the balls you’re juggling are just a second away from dropping? Congratulations, you’ve hit the ceiling.  

Hitting the ceiling is something every successful leader, team, and business goes through, and it’s worth celebrating because it means you’re growing into your next iteration. During this period, you’ll find you don’t have time for the personal development work that keeps you at your best. You might be too deep in the business, feel like all you do is fight fires, or worse, you lose your confidence.  

That’s no way to lead. So, how can you create the capacity to do the work you need to do? When my clients are in this situation, I recommend they start with one of the following practices – learn more at the hyperlinks:  

  • Take a Clarity Break™: Gift yourself scheduled time to regroup, gain perspective and think.  
  • Delegate and Elevate™: Identify the tasks you love and are great at or like and are good at, and delegate everything else over time.  
  • Evaluate your Accountability Chart™: Do you have the right people in the right seats? Is your structure set up to move you to your next stage of growth?  

No matter which practices you choose, take this opportunity to insert yourself into the equation. It’s time for your business to also serve you in return.  

Instead of breaking down, break through your ceiling quickly by joining us for Unlocking Effective Communication: A Workshop for People Leading People on October 3rd. You’ll gain the tools you and your team need to increase communication, add capacity, and improve accountability. Register here, tickets are 75% sold out! 

Sue HawkesHitting the Ceiling #1194