Design or Default? #1197 

by Sue Hawkes

How often do you make time to reflect on your life? Many people spend more time planning their next vacation than they do evaluating their day-to-day existence, leading to a life happening by default. Your joy decreases as things keep happening “to you.” If this is hitting a nerve, it’s time for some reflection. 

Intentional reflection is a powerful tool because you are simultaneously evaluating the past and thoughtfully designing your future. As you reflect on what’s working and what’s not, you’ll have the information you need to design life on your terms. It’s time to get off “auto pilot” in the hustle of just making it through the week. Try these reflection questions to get started:  

  • What have you said about yourself, based on history, which limits your possibilities? 
  • What new possibilities can you imagine that would give you a new future? 
  • What have you decided about your organization based on history that limits its possibilities? 
  • What new possibilities could you make about your organization that would give the organization a new future? 

Through intentional reflection, you will be on your way to living life by design. Find more reflection questions – 365 of them, to be exact! – with our daily Maximizing Success Journal. Filled with a question per day and theme each week, it’s the journal you need to make reflection a priority. Check it out here

Sue HawkesDesign or Default? #1197