The People Are the Work #1208 

by Sue Hawkes

The people are the work. After all, if we didn’t have a team, we’d have no way of doing business.  

That doesn’t mean it’s easy managing human energy. Whether it’s conflicting personalities, miscommunication, or accountability challenges, leading and managing people is the toughest job every leader has.  

How do we dedicate the time our people need, while also managing all there is to accomplish? How do we lead well when we’re angry, tired, overcommitted, or frustrated? What if we’ve never formally learned these skills in the first place?  

Our clients ask these questions so often that we’re doing something about it. We’re building a year-long leadership and management program for people who lead people, and you’re the first to know! As a dedicated member of our community, we’d love to gauge your interest if you’re willing. It will only take 5 minutes of your time; we know it will be 10X better with your help. Thank you in advance for taking the time. 

Learn about our program here, and please share any feedback and ideas about what you’d find value in learning. We’re excited to build a program that supports you in maximizing your greatest asset – your people.  

Thank you! 

Sue HawkesThe People Are the Work #1208