It’s Up to You #1264 

by Sue Hawkes

How often do you do something out of obligation?  

It’s not a great way to spend your most precious commodity, time. Why commit to something if you don’t intend on enjoying it? That is always a choice. Do you realize it?  

Often, we agree to do things half-heartedly, because we believe we should, or because we’d rather agree than have conflict or disappoint the person asking at the time. None of these lend themselves to good outcomes.  

When you say yes, make it a “hell yes” or don’t do it.  AND, if you do agree to do things half-heartedly, because you believe you should, or because you’d rather agree than have conflict or disappoint the person asking at the time, it’s time for some mental gymnastics (reframing).   

You’ll need to work yourself over to realize what’s in it for you to participate fully as promised. This means you need to get over all you’ve made up about the future. You’ll get what you believe will happen either way. The choice is yours, stay in joy or leave in peace. 

Sue HawkesIt’s Up to You #1264