Appreciating Both #1332 

by Sue Hawkes

Tao Te Ching says “Your conversations help create your world. Speak of delight, not dissatisfaction.  Speak of hope, not despair. Let your words bind up wounds, not cause them.” 

This is a great reminder for me.  

I’m the person who enters a space and sees what’s off. Whether it’s in my home, at work, or out in the world, my brain is programmed to make things better. It’s a ninja skill many people have, I’m not alone in this. 

For others, it doesn’t feel like a ninja skill. They receive it as negating the many, many things that are working, right and on track and focusing on the one or two things off track. It can be received as a critique of it all, rather than a bonus to all that’s working. 

The only way to have both perspectives be true is to communicate more effectively. When those around acknowledge this ninja skill and you learn to affirm the 98.5% of what’s working, we all speak of delight and amplify the best of each other and our results.  

Our words create our worlds. Let me remember that often. 

Sue HawkesAppreciating Both #1332