You Choose #1262 

by Sue Hawkes

What I’ve noticed is my life never really slows down. I’ve lived in the illusion that most of my world will correct itself once I get “this” or “that” happens. It could be an event, a series of events, a project, a set of tasks, a string of travel, family events, the holidays, or celebrations. It really doesn’t matter.   

The lie I’ve told myself begins with the words “I just need to get through ________” or “I’ll be fine by____ (fill in your day of the week here),” or “it will be better when ___________ happens. “The truth of the matter is it never happens.  

For me, there is peace knowing there is no “there.” In other words, I won’t arrive one day with nothing but white space, though I enjoy the unscheduled time I do have.   

Remembering my schedule reflects my interests, relationships, joy and celebrations, my vocation, learning, and passions shows me the abundance of time, energy, and experiences I have. Flipping this perspective to gratitude helps me when my interests surpass my capacity.   

At that point, I can be overwhelmed or grateful. They each produce a different experience while doing all I am doing; the choice is mine. Life won’t slow down, but my thinking can. Abundance or scarcity, what will it be?  

Sue HawkesYou Choose #1262