Make time for the important things. One of the best ways to use a Clarity Break is to clarify what’s important right now; in your business, as a leader, and in life. When you have clarity on the few most important things, it helps you stay focused, zero in on what matters, simplify what you say yes and no to,…
Intention. It sets the course for action and determines what we do and don’t act upon. It’s great to be active and productive, but actions without intention won’t necessarily lend to the result you’re seeking. Often, with clients, the data they rely most heavily upon is about what’s already happened. While that’s useful and gives us a 20/20 look backward,…
It’s hard to wait when you have a need. If you’re impatient like me, you don’t enjoy waiting anyway, and to wait and be patient while doing so – especially when you have a need – is challenging. Set the bar high and let yourself embrace the journey. Excellence is worth it. The question becomes: What’s the price of settling?…
“Let today be the day you let go of who you’ve been for who you’ll become.” Hal Elrod What a powerful quote to remind yourself that every day (really every minute) is an opportunity to redefine yourself based on who you intend to be, not who you’ve been. When we firmly grasp what’s possible, when we step into our greatness…
I was in a session with one of my favorite teams and a new team member shared a great quote I had to capture. He said, “Ignorance can be fixed, stupidity can’t.” I welcomed that phrase and laughed out loud. How many situations do we all create out of ignorance? Unintentional bumbling into waters in which we’re either not well…
Often, when working with clients I tell them “less is more” or “do less better.” These two phrases are the bane of most entrepreneurs existence as we have an internal drive to do more sooner and often at the expense of doing more focused work on the “right” priorities. One team (representative of many teams) recently had a leadership team…
Have you ever heard the phrase “what you focus on expands?” During a recent meeting, one of the leaders attending said they had been in a “funk.” Well, we all could relate to that statement. The conversation began and seemed to accelerate into all the things contributing to their challenges. It wasn’t helpful, in fact, it seemed to be more…
Have you ever had one of “those” days? You know the kind, it’s grey outside, perhaps rainy and it feels the same inside your mind and body. When you’re having one of “those” days, a note from a friend can change the experience you’re having dramatically. I’m grateful to have had this experience and it’s caused me to make a…
When you settle into a routine, it’s easy to get comfortable. This can be with the route you take to work, the groceries you buy or restaurants you dine at, the clothing you wear, the people you spend time with, the entertainment you seek, the morning or evening rituals you have, the exercise you do, and even in your conversations…
How do you change a conversation – with a person or in your head – from a mood of victimized to accountable? A small word change may be the simplest form of shifting reality. The next time you feel something is happening to you, repeat your story and insert the word “for” every time you’d use the word “to.” When…